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Tear Gas Cleanup Experts | Steri-Clean® Minnesota 

Tear gas cleanup is an extremely difficult job that requires specialized equipment and highly-trained technicians. Without proper cleanup, the troublesome effects of tear gas can linger for weeks, making the affected property unbearable to be in. Steri-Clean® Minnesota has all the necessary tools and training to restore an affected environment as quickly as possible.


What is Tear Gas?

Tear gas can either be directly sprayed or tear gas grenades can be dispersed into a crowd. Tear gas works by irritating mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth, and lungs. In the eyes, it stimulates the lacrimal gland’s nerves to produce tears, hence where tear gas gets its name from. More than just stimulating tears, once it’s breathed in it can cause:


• Severe eye pain

• Respiratory pain

• Difficulty breathing 

• Skin reactions and irritation

• Temporary blindness

• In severe cases, chronic skin reactions and chemical burns to your skin
• If a person has a preexisting condition like asthma, they’re also more sensitive to respiratory distress or hypoxia, which is a condition where people can’t get enough oxygen into their bodies


Although referred to as gas, tear gas is more like a powder and acts as a fine mist. Generally, law enforcement uses tear gas that contains 2-chlorobenzalmalonitrile (CS) gas. Even though the gas itself eventually dissipates, it can leave behind residue on walls, chairs, floors, ceilings, and any other item it comes into contact with, causing people respiratory irritation for months. To make sure the exposed area is safe for humans, tear gas residue must be cleaned from every surface it has come into contact with. In some severe instances, drywall might need to be replaced to get rid of the contaminants.


What To Do If You’ve Been Exposed To Tear Gas

If you are exposed to tear gas, there are several precautionary steps that you can take to reduce the side effects of this potent gas. Some of these measures include:


  1. Wash your face immediately: This will help to eliminate the gas that is stuck in your eyes, which causes the irritation

  2. Washing your hands: Contaminated hands may affect other areas of your body, and that’s why you must wash them as soon as possible

  3. Use a wet towel or piece of cloth as a mask: This will make breathing a little easier, and help reduce any choking  

  4. Open your windows and doors: This is the easiest way to get rid of the gas from your home or a building


Call Us Today For Expert Tear Gas Cleanup Services. 1-888-577-7206

At Steri-Clean® Minnesota, our specialists are trained to clean locations that have had tear gas dispersed throughout them. We understand that getting rid of the irritant is completely necessary to protect anyone coming into the affected area. In these situations, tear gas cleanup is critical and time-sensitive. We used advanced cleaning methods and tools to reach every conceivable spot to ensure removal, leaving the air clean and safe to breathe in. Get in touch with us to see how we can help you with tear gas cleanup safely and efficiently. 


Steri-Clean Minnesota serves the greater Twin Cities, MN area with tear gas cleanup services including Plymouth, Rogers & St. Paul


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